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将多说评论插件注释掉即可取消报错信息 vim _config.yml # Disqus settings # disqus_username: your-disqus-ID
# Duoshuo settings # duoshuo_username: kaijun # Share component is depend on Comment so we can NOT use share only. # duoshuo_share: false # set to false if you want to use Comment without Sharing
The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning for themasterbranch: The CNAMEyoursite-urlis not properly formatted. See https://help.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-custom-domains/#github-repository-setup-errors for more information.
> Ported Theme of [Hux Blog](https://github.com/Huxpro/huxpro.github.io), Thank [Huxpro](https://github.com/Huxpro) for designing such a flawless theme. > > This BeanTech theme created by [YuHsuan](http://beantech.org) modified from the original Porter [Kaijun](http://kaijun.rocks/hexo-theme-huxblog/) # [Live Demo](http://beantech.org) --- <img src="http://beantech.org/img/beantech-desktop.png" alt = "BeanTech Desktop" data-action="zoom" /> # Usage --- I publish the whole project for your convenience, so you can just follow the instruction down below, then you can easily customiz your own blog! Let's begin!!! ## Init --- ```bash git clone https://github.com/YenYuHsuan/hexo-theme-beantech.git ./hexo-beantech cd hexo-beantech npm install ``` ## Modify --- Modify `_config.yml` file with your own info. Especially the section: ### Deployment Replace to your own repo! ```yml deploy: type:git repo:https://github.com/<yourAccount>/<repo> branch:<your-branch> ```
### Sidebar settings Copyyouravatarimageto`<root>/img/`andmodifythe`_config.yml`: ```yml sidebar:true# whether or not using Sidebar. sidebar-about-description:"<your description>" sidebar-avatar:img/<youravatarpath> ``` andactivateyourpersonalwidgetyoulike ```yml widgets:# here are widget you can use, you can comment out -featured-tags -short-about -recent-posts -friends-blog -archive -category ``` ifyouwanttoaddsidebarwidget,pleaseaddat`layout/_widget`.
### Signature Setup Copyyoursignatureimageto`<root>/img/signature`andmodifythe`_config.yml`: ```yml signature:true# show signature signature-img:img/signature/<your-signature-ID> ```
### Go to top icon Setup Myiconisusingironman,youcanchangetoyourowniconat`css/image`.
### Post tag Youcandecidetoshowposttagsornot. ```yml home_posts_tag:true ``` ![home_posts_tag-true](home_posts_tag-true.png) ```yml home_posts_tag:false ``` ![home_posts_tag-false](home_posts_tag-false.png)
## Hexo Basics --- Somehexocommand: ```bash hexonewpost"<post name>"# you can change post to another layout if you want hexoclean&&hexogenerate# generate the static file hexoserver# run hexo in local environment hexodeploy# hexo will push the static files automatically into the specific branch(gh-pages) of your repo! ```
# Have fun ^_^ --- <!--Placethistaginyourheadorjustbeforeyourclosebodytag.--> <scriptasyncdefersrc="https://buttons.github.io/buttons.js"></script> <!--Placethistagwhereyouwantthebuttontorender.-->